How a sign board helped me to live in a unknown city?


I was driving my car from Oshawa to reach the Toronto which is about 61 km away from here. I took the highway 401 which is passing directly from the Scarborough and is most suitable way to reach there. Actually, let me tell you very frankly that I am new for this country and city as well and initially I wished to live in the the having beach connectivity but due my job location it could’t happened. Anyway, while living in this new city I use to take help of various sign boards like pole signs to find the right directions and locate required shops and marketplace.


I would like to personally thanks to the government authorities for putting these sign boards helping strangers to find the right directions. Though, I have already visited few times earlier following the same route and last time when was driving I have notice many campaign signs as the promotion for municipal election was at full swing and contesting parties were trying influence their prospective voters. And not only there I saw the same passion among party workers in the other part of the city also and when I visited there I found there were so many election stickers gum on the lawn signs Toronto and alongside of the street of the entire city.


Usually, I take help of people to know some places and they also easily tell me the right direction but sometimes due to communication gap it becomes difficult for me get the right destination. But at that point of time only pole signs help me to find out the right place and sometimes I also use to take help other to find there location. If a person can read and write he can go anywhere in the world using these sign boards placed on the highways and street-ways. However, some countries use their local or mother language on the sign boards while some of them use it with the English language which is a universal language and learnt and spoken worldwide.


Written text comes again and again in front of us and if you anything repeatedly you will definitely can remember it throughout your lifetime. Have you notice during election time election participants use campaign signs and boards to show their agenda and spread message among their targeted audience. Ohh! sorry guys…I was telling you my journey from Oshawa to Toronto and I now I diverted you to the use and importance of sign boards. Though, my this experience is also useful for the strangers who visit at new places find difficult to locate their desired destinations.

Use printed messages on public places to inculcate the targeted audience


While walking on the streets you will notice the sign boards which are usually meant to show the direction of the road and other important instructions for our safety. These sign boards are very effective to keep inform people about the latest happenings and events going on our society. Politicians use election signs to inculcate prospective voters about their agenda and election campaign while construction and public work department use construction signs on roads to warn about the work-in-progress status so the passing public keep aware what going on there. If you are contesting for an election follow a true saying “Pen is Mightier than Sword” perfectly applies for the election candidates, you can give a motivational speech in the public to encourage them but it is not easy for everyone to remember everything or important statements and premises you offered them, so at that point of time only election sign with the encouraging message will work for you. However, you can also choose other sign boards such as pole signs to spread your memorandum among the targeted audience. Also Use Icons & pictures to encourage illiterate people People notice so many written materials mainly construction signs while passing from city roadways and highways and some of them even carefully watch and read them. An educated can easily read and understand that purpose of the title-holder but if for uneducated person it is very difficult to understand anything without help of an educated person. Therefore, it is very important to print the picture or relevant icons along with the written wordings on these pole signs so that an illiterate person can also understand the purpose of message sender. Blue & Green Boards with White Texts are standard color combinations However, the size and color combination also plays very important role to make a signs board more attractive and effective for the readers. The color and style of Election signs are always different from each contenders of election campaigners but format & colors of street & pole signs are almost remain standard all over the world. While walking through the streets can notice most of the street signs are either in blue board with white text or green board with white text placed everywhere. However at some places you will also find them in yellow and orange colors. The color combination is very important so it’s also very important to chose right colors to make such materials. For more information please visit this link: Contact us: 2565 Steeles Ave E. Unit 21 Brampton, POSTALCODE:    L6T 4L6 Phone:   9054547666, 6042834773 Toll Freee:  1-866-686-5465 Mobile:       416-201-8440 Fax:             416-201-8440 E-mail: ,

Printed message & notes on sign boards are more powerful than vocal commands

LAWN-SIGNS-BRAMPTON-HEADERSpeaking publically is not enough to reach you message to audience and motivate them, the words spoken once may not remain in the minds of people for the longer period of time but the message written on the boards leaves the impression for many days as it is available in the printed form and is visible every time people pass alongside it. The written or printed message are therefore widely in use as construction signs at the site of construction to inform people or passer-by to keep them self away from here for their safety.

images14Have you think why election candidates always use to run their campaigning using the election signs with the printed banners or coroplast signs ? because it keeps reminding the prospective audience the respective sign used at the time of votes of for the candidates. With the help of these sing boards & banners you can easily spread the agenda of election among public, it also depict the social issues & purports printed on it to promote your election campaign publically.

The printed notations and remarks are easiest way to convey your message among the public, building and construction companies always use various sign boards as construction signs to inform its engineers and labors working at construction sites. While on the other hand, coroplast signs are suitable for the business owners to promote their products & services among the customers. You can highlight your services printed in the form of bill boards, banners and flex boards at various places such as on the streets, wall of the buildings or campus at various public places.

images20Apart from placards, banners use of election signs with the motivating message to attract the public at the time of ballot vote increases the vote count hence resulting to increase the winning chances for you. While use of indicative signs at the public places also helps people to keep inform and aware about the new events & happenings around them.

For more details Please visit this link:

Contact us
2565 Steeles Ave E. Unit 21 Brampton, ON L6T 4L6
Phone: 905-454-7666
Toll Free: 1-866-686-5465
Cell Phone: 416-201-8440
Fax: 416-201-8440