How a sign board helped me to live in a unknown city?


I was driving my car from Oshawa to reach the Toronto which is about 61 km away from here. I took the highway 401 which is passing directly from the Scarborough and is most suitable way to reach there. Actually, let me tell you very frankly that I am new for this country and city as well and initially I wished to live in the the having beach connectivity but due my job location it could’t happened. Anyway, while living in this new city I use to take help of various sign boards like pole signs to find the right directions and locate required shops and marketplace.


I would like to personally thanks to the government authorities for putting these sign boards helping strangers to find the right directions. Though, I have already visited few times earlier following the same route and last time when was driving I have notice many campaign signs as the promotion for municipal election was at full swing and contesting parties were trying influence their prospective voters. And not only there I saw the same passion among party workers in the other part of the city also and when I visited there I found there were so many election stickers gum on the lawn signs Toronto and alongside of the street of the entire city.


Usually, I take help of people to know some places and they also easily tell me the right direction but sometimes due to communication gap it becomes difficult for me get the right destination. But at that point of time only pole signs help me to find out the right place and sometimes I also use to take help other to find there location. If a person can read and write he can go anywhere in the world using these sign boards placed on the highways and street-ways. However, some countries use their local or mother language on the sign boards while some of them use it with the English language which is a universal language and learnt and spoken worldwide.


Written text comes again and again in front of us and if you anything repeatedly you will definitely can remember it throughout your lifetime. Have you notice during election time election participants use campaign signs and boards to show their agenda and spread message among their targeted audience. Ohh! sorry guys…I was telling you my journey from Oshawa to Toronto and I now I diverted you to the use and importance of sign boards. Though, my this experience is also useful for the strangers who visit at new places find difficult to locate their desired destinations.